Thursday, September 9, 2010

Daunt to Dillonwood - Column Comments

I have been so gratified by the many delightful comments received about the "Old Pick" stories. I am so glad you are enjoying them. It is a unique experience to walk into a restaurant or other public place, and have some kind soul comment, "I've really been enjoying reading your columns."

Looking forward, the next column (which will appear 9/17) will solve the mystery of the missing "hanging ham." But, I have had calls from family members reminding me of other adventures, and mis-adventures, with this most mischievous mule. He was indeed a character. I may have to solve the mystery on the 17th, then stretch it out at least one more column, to relate the stories. But, readers seem to be enjoying it and that's delightful to me.

The "Fire on Black Mountain" book, written about a 12-year-old boy, living on a cattle ranch in the foothills of the Sierra's in Tulare County (sound like anybody you know?) relates an adventure in a "coming of age" story. Parts of it have been read by youngsters, and gotten good "readability" scores from them.

I worked my way through it several months ago, writing and being critiqued by the group I attend, then got distracted by other projects. I realized I have left a good project unfinished, so as my post last night stated, I have begun the serious process of finishing it. Now ... if only a publisher will like it as much as I do.

Comment if you like, and check back once in a while.

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