Hey if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it's sure to change. But I know you've noticed the change in the nights. Oh yes, much better sleeping weather. When I put the dogs out this morning, padding around barefoot to do so, the concrete on the patio was downright cool.
Those buzzards around the Barn Theater? They're still gathering. Don't think they want to get too spread out, though. I suspect that when the weather truly changes, it's going to do so, both literally and figuratively, overnight. It'll be 85 one afternoon, 35 that night, and 55 the next day.
The Sycamore trees in the river bottom on upper Globe Drive are just starting to show the occasional yellow leaf. Once that begins, the water in the river will certainly start picking up in volume. It has stayed at a good flow all fall so any improvement won't be that noticeable.
My hummingbirds have told me it's getting to be fall, too. I have six one-quart feeders hanging on my front porch, drawing around fifty to sixty birds every morning and evening. During the day it is not at all unusual to see ten to 15 flitting in and out around the containers. About a week ago, maybe more like ten days, I was filling all six feeders on very close to once a day. If I filled at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. I would surely need to refill before morning. And if the evening was busy and I didn't get to it, I'd have to fill before daylight when the birds began venturing out once again.
Interesting though, that rate of filling only lasted about four or five days and then it started stretching back out to around thirty hours between fillings. Today it is going to be closer to thirty-six hours or more.
Spent the day yesterday volunteering labor to install a video line at the Women's Alliance in Bakersfield, where middle son Louis, is Executive Director. "Dear Old Dad" gets the nod when little jobs like this need doing, and frankly I'm glad to do them.
The broken bridge over the ditch is not going to get fixed until after the weekend. The new culvert pipe was supposed to be delivered yesterday, and is supposedly "on the truck" for today. Of course, it was also "on the truck" for yesterday, so no real explanation about why it didn't get "off the truck" into my pasture yesterday. Oh well, guess it will show up in time. It's supposed to be here today, so they say.
The backhoe guy is probably going to be Tuesday before he can get here to dig out the old one, dig out more to put in the new one, set it in place, and back-fill around it. Then we can drive to the garage again. My bride of 45 years lamented to Louis recently, "I never realized what a luxury it was to be able to park in front of my house, and not at the bottom of the hill."
Hang in there Dear. Help is on the way.
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