Sunday, September 12, 2010

Buzzards, Tarantulas, and Yellow Leaves

Well, it seems that Fall may be closer than we might think. A couple of days ago, I noticed that the big Eucalyptus trees south of the Barn Theater on Plano were full of roosting buzzards. Sometimes the buzzards will begin "practicing" for their migration south, and come and go from those trees for a week or so, even longer, before they head south.

But tonight, as I returned home from Porterville, I noticed a group of 20 or more buzzards working around in the river bottom just west of Worth Road and Highway 190.

Then as I was fueling up at Eagles Nest above the lake, I looked out to the north, over the river-bottom, and found another 20+ birds working around the area.

So, what does all this mean?

It is a well-known fact that the buzzards usually have a better idea when the first storm will be arriving than we do, and will gather all their relatives, in-laws, and out-laws, and head south at least two to three weeks before it turns cool. So does that mean that we are going to have an early Fall?

Well, this is the 12th of September, essentially half way through the month. My Dad used to say that the perfect grass year for the cattle would be to have: "Rain on Halloween, green grass for Thanksgiving, and fat cows for Christmas." And Halloween is only six weeks (give or take a day or three) away.

Another early-season indicator was the Tarantula spider. If you saw a Tarantula "heading for higher ground" you better get ready for a good rain.

One of my indicators I have always watched are the big green Sycamore leaves along the river bottom along upper Globe just after you cross the bridge. When the green leaves begin turning yellow, here and there throughout the tree, the water level in the river is sure to rise, for the trees are going to be using less and less water as the leaves yellow and fall. And, so far this fall I haven't seen a real indication of that, though the trees near my house are already beginning the early fall drop of leaves.

I guess the wisdom of Nature would be that Fall is just around the corner. Of course, since it's mid-September, that is pretty much a forgone conclusion anyway.


Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith said...

Loved this one. You are a natural for these kind of blogs.


Foothill Writer said...

Wow, thanks Marilyn.