So, you know the day I complain about having any pictures of Spirit going along with me to irrigate, it works out. Often she sticks SO close to me it is difficult to get pictures of anything but the top of her head or her back. But this morning she came down and had a party.
She came close to me several times wanting to be scratched or petted, but also spent some time nosing around the pasture area.
My usual "crew" is Beau (the Boxer) and Tinker-Bell (Tink for short - The Chihuahua).
While I'm half-way down the drive I walk on down to the mailbox to get the morning paper, and of course Spirit wants to go along.
Notice the tail - straight out. She is running all the way around me as I walk toward the cattleguard. |
Of course, she isn't going to cross the rails of the cattleguard, so she has to wait on the pasture side.
So ... are you coming back on this side or what? |
One final check of the water and she "posed" in front of the barn.
Once I had the irrigating done, I walked over to the barn to feed the horses. Spirit really didn't want to go into the pasture with those great big critters. I lost track of her for a bit, but she's been out in the pasture and all around the barn before, so she can find her way with ease.
Hay fed, I was walking back to the house, and heard Spirit bawl. She was on the other side of the horse pasture, across from the house.
Here she comes. She's walking along the outside of the Horse Pasture fence, toward a cow and calf ahead of her a ways.
She stopped and visited a few moments with Momma and her new baby.
And then it was time to find the gate into the small pasture that has a gate in it that will allow her back into the yard.
But first she had to get a drink of water from the trough.
And then down the fence and through the gate ...
No ... she wanted to play "hard to get" so sauntered down the fence as I waited to get a picture of her coming through the gate.
But after I walked out the gate, scratched her on the back, then walked tantalizingly back through the gate ... she decided it was not such a bad idea after all.
I think Beau wondered if she'd get it figured out too.
Oh well, Spirit went irrigating, had a big walk all the way around the barn and horse pasture, and got back with no problems. |
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