Friday, November 5, 2010

The Sycamore Trees are FINALLY Turning

As I came through the river bottom ground yesterday afternoon, I glanced up at the big Sycamore trees beside the river, and was pleased to see a large amount of yellow in the canopy of leaves.  Nature has finally gotten the word to the Sycamore trees.  And exactly as I predicted, they're all turning at once.  Most of the trees are still flying their yellow flags, with very little green of any sort remaining.

Now all we have to do is wait a few more days to let the last of the "stick-to-it'iveness" of those yellow leaves loosen their grip.  Then the first good windy storm will bring them down en mass.  Then when we drive through the river bottom it won't be one lone leaf in the middle of a wet road.  The blacktop will be covered with leaves.

Speaking of storms ... the weatherman isn't.  But wouldn't you know it, Veteran's Day he's predicting a rain storm.  Fortunately it is currently looking like it won't start until very late in the day, or possibly overnight.

How many times have we started to town for the start of the Veteran's Day Parade, watching the sky to see if it would clear.  Although I know it has rained on the parade a few times, it seems the majority of years we get the parade down Main Street in the dry.  The street may be damp, but no rain is falling.  Usually.  And the Band-a-Rama has only been rained on a few times.  Very few if my memory serves me right.

I was looking at long-range weather forecasts this morning, and though it is not looking like an early, soaking fall, it doesn't look bad.  The green grass on the foothills has been started in many places, and as long as it gets a little moisture periodically, it'll do fine.

When the first really good rain comes into California to deposit an inch or more, the ground will get soaked up then, ensuring the continued life of the grasses.  If these periodic spritzes don't come, it can really stress those tender plants.  But right now it looks really good.

We got a little moisture last weekend, and it looks like a bit more this weekend on Saturday night or Sunday morning.  Next Thursday, or at least Thursday evening, we should get a dab more.  Then it looks dry through the 19th.

Those waves of moisture don't always result in water being dropped to the ground, though there often will be just a bit.  Right now, anything is better than nothing.

And what's with this mid-80's temperatures?  My fireplace nearly ran me out of the house yesterday.  And overnight the fire went out.  That'll give me a chance to take out the ashes though.  And the warm weather is soon to change.  Looks like 86 today, 77 Saturday, 70 Sunday and 66 Monday.  Nighttime temperatures aren't going to get into the mid-30's until the end of next week, and then only temporarily.  Typical fall weather.  Warm in the afternoon, cool at night.  

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