Our neighbors, Bob and Peggy, have been taking wonderful care of the little calf. At first the front feet would not hold her up as they had not uncurled following the months in the womb. By massaging and stretching, she is now able to stand on her own, and is doing much better. Bob is even going to the length of massaging her behind with a warm rag to stimulate her bowel movements, exactly as the cow would do.
Of the greatest importance, however, is the sucking instinct. Bob said she took about half a bottle of milk being poured into her mouth, let her swallow, and then pour more, before she began sucking his finger. Now she's taking a rubber nipple on a bottle. He is getting Milk Replacer down her and she is doing well. And of course, the more of that Milk Replacer she takes in, the stronger she will get.
And she is indeed a cutie.
Because she refused to quit, she's been named "Spirit" |
Her head is down in this picture, not because she wasn't feeling good, but was concentrating on staying upright.
Though we tried yesterday to get the old cow to accept this baby, it had been too long. All she could see was this was a strange calf, and not hers. After the cow butted this calf a couple of times it became obvious this one is going to be a bottle-baby until she can eat Calf Manna on her own.
And, frankly, with the situation as it was, with me in Chico, and only Sharon here, to get help from the neighbors, the calf would have been dead had everybody not stepped in. Could we have gotten the cow to "take" this calf? Maybe, if she'd been put in with the cow immediately. But that just couldn't happen with the limited resources available. So the calf is alive, and we will have to care for her in the best way we know how.
I had thought possibly this calf was the product of a second conception, maybe a few weeks or even a month later than the first one. Having seen the calf I've changed my mind. I'm convinced this was indeed a fraternal twin, conceived at the same time as the other one. Somehow, this fetus didn't develop as fast, or completely, leaving the front legs not quite "finished."
Time, Milk Replacer, and Calf Manna will most probably cure what ails this little gal though.
So ... now you know the upshot of all the fal-de-rahl on the twins.
Awww...she is so cute. Brings back memories. If I lived down that way I would be in line to take care of her. Love reading your blog. As I read them I am transported back in time because I know exactly where you are talking about. (sigh) Oh, for the good ol days. Hi to Sharon & the kids.
Thanks Mary. Yep, understand, and you'd sure get to care for her.
Glad you like reading these blogs. It is great fun.
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